Sunday, November 10, 2019

Recording analysing and using HR information Essay

The below note will give you a brief information about the way the organisation’s approach to collecting, sorting and using HR data. This was divided into the following: 1) Two reasons why the organization needs to collect HR data: a) â€Å"to be able to retrieve information whenever it is needed. For example each organisation has to keep accurate records or information of their employees in order to be able to use this information for planning ahead (†¦) b) a legal requirement, for instance in order to be able to make accurate tax returns to the government† [1] 2) Two types of data that is collected within the organization and how each supports HR practices: a) sickness records: this type of data/report may be collected periodically (monthly or quarterly) and compared or analysed against each employee’s attendance records. This helps the human resources to manage the attendance record of the organisation accurately and inform line managers of the constant attendance offenders (†¦) b) the contact details for each employee especially home address. This is essential if a correspondence needs to be sent out to each employee, such as contract, payslips, pensions† [2] 3) A description of at least two methods of sorting records and the benefits of each: a) manual method: â€Å"paper-based items such as employees’ original application forms, contracts of employment and any other documentation – letters, references, and so on – that relate to employment. Such records should be systematically field for security purposes and ease of access to authorized users. (†¦) b) electronically method: (†¦) not only can absence turnover, pay and training be monitored easily, but specific programs on human resource planning, psychometric testing, employee development and appraisals can be used to help make relevant decisions. Databases containing employee details can be a real time-saver when it comes to working out pay awards, statistics on how many people have been trained who is due for retirement and so on (†¦) Both of those methods help in strategic decision-making, support services to line managers, (†¦) provides information when decisions need to be made about the future of an individual employee† [3] 4) A statement of at least two essential items of UK legislation relating to the recording, storage and accessibility of HR data a) Data Protection Act (1998) â€Å"processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met obtained only for specified and lawful purposes adequate, relevant and not excessive (†¦) accurate and up to date kept for no longer than in necessary processed in accordance with the rights granted under the DPA98 kept securely not transferred to a country without adequate data protection†[4] b) Freedom of Information Act 2000: â€Å"provides public access to information held by public authorities. It does this in two ways: Public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities; and Members of the public are entitled to request information from public authorities.† [5] Part B493 This section analyses Absence Management in Private Sector in 2014. The information is based on the CIPD Survey Report, published in November 2014. The report concentrates on analysing data for organisations on absence as well as a focus on employee well-being. Additionally the report says, about the impact of government initiatives on absence management. The report was divided into the following sections: 1) Absence level: It has reduced considerably. The average level has fallen by 1.7 days this year compared with last. (Figure 1) Length of absence: nearly  ¾ of absence are short-term (up to 7 days), 14% of absence are long-term (up to 4 weeks) (Table 6) a) short-term absence: based on the vast majority 85% minor illness musculoskeletal injuries back pain home/family responsibilities stress mental ill-health (Table 10) 1/3 of private sector organisations reported increase in stress-related absence. The reasons of it are: high workloads, non-work relationships/family and management style. 2/5 of private services organisations report an increase in mental health problems Solutions: with regards to stress absence: management training and training to build personal resilience, flexible working options/improved work-life balance with regards to mental ill-health: counseling, flexible working options/improved work-life balance and employee assistance programmers,  training to line managers to effectively manage and support staff b) long-term absence: acute conditions (stroke, heart attack, cancer) stress musculoskeletal injuries mental ill health back pain (Table 13) Solutions: change the working patterns or environment to enable people to stay in or return to work, flexible working arrangements The vast majorities of organisations have a written absence/attendance management policy, record their employee absence rate collect information on the causes of absence and provide one or more well-being benefits. Developing line managers’ capability to manage absence (2014: 56% of those that made changes; 2013: 33%) This was achieved by an increased focus on attendance strategies and the fact that some organisations are developing line managers capability, from 39% (2013) to 61% (2014) 2) Cost of absence: It has increased compared with last year: 2014 –  £520 2013 –  £467 (Figure 2) 3) Approaches to absence management: a) short-term: return-to-work interviews (the most effective method) trigger mechanisms to revive attendance disciplinary procedures for unacceptable absence giving sickness absence information to line managers (Table 25) b) long-term: return-to-work interviews risk assessments to aid return to work occupational health involvement (table 26) 4) Government plan: 1/5 of organisations plan to access the new government Independent Assessment and Advisory Service (now called the Fit for Work Scheme). Summery: Most private sector employers believe they could decrease their absence levels. Organisations themselves need to ensure that they understand the cost of absence to help galvanise senior management support for addressing absence issues. Regular monitoring, review and act on the data they collect regarding the level and causes of absence, to ensure their approach to absence and well-being is relevant to their organisation’s specific issues. Clearly is essential to develop line managers in managing short-term absence. [6] Bibliography: [1] Why Organisations Need Data – College Essays – Oluwatayo. 2014. Why Organisations Need Data – College Essays – Oluwatayo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 December 2014]. [2] Why Organisations Need Data – College Essays – Oluwatayo. 2014. Why Organisations Need Data – College Essays – Oluwatayo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 December 2014]. [3] Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice, Charles Leatherbarow, Janet Fletcher, Donald Currie, Published by CIPD, 2013, page 77-78 [4] Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice, Charles Leatherbarow, Janet Fletcher, Donald Currie, Published by CIPD, 2013, page 392 [5] What is the Freedom of Information Act? | ICO. 2014. What is the Freedom of Information Act? | ICO. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 30 December 2014]. [6]

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