Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Electric Cars and Air Pollution Essay -- Environment Environmental Tec

The goal of electric vehicles is to reduce air emissions associated with typical internal combustion vehicles (ICVs), thereby decreasing the emission of environmentally damaging products such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Since electric vehicles run on electricity generated from batteries and do not emit air pollutants, these vehicles are termed zero emission vehicles (ZEV). CARB mandated that ZEVs be 2% of the total automotive sales by 1998 and 10% by 2003. The push for ZEVs raises serious concerns about the environmental impacts of ZEVs due to their production and use. Is CARB’s push for ZEVs premature given the present state of battery technology? Will the production of ZEVs lead to unforeseen environmental destruction? Or are ZEVs the answer to our air pollution woes? This paper analyzes the feasibility of electric cars and the impacts of their production on the environment. The components of air pollution have been attributed to a number of serious health and environmental consequences. For example, air pollution can lead to eye, nose and throat irritation, as well as complications in breathing. Some chemicals in air pollution, such as benzene, cause cancer while other chemicals may cause birth defects, brain and nerve damage and long-term injury to the lungs and breathing passages. Not only does air pollution create distinct medical problems, it also creates environmental problems as well. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide are three examples of gases released into the atmosphere each year as a result of the combustion processes. Billions of pounds of pollutants are released each year from power plants and motor vehicles. These pollutants are causing serious problems for the environment. Motor... ...):10-15 Rahman, S.; de Castro, Arnulfo. 1995. Environmental Impacts of Electricity Generation: A Global Perspective. IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion. 10(2): 307-312 Renner, R. 1996. Life-cycle analysis stirs continued debate on impact of electric cars. Environmental Science and Technology. 30(1):17A-18A Roque, J. A. 1995. Electric vehicle manufacturing in Southern California: local versus regional environmental hazards. Environment and Planning A. 27(6): 907-932 Savage, J. A. 1994. The Road Warriors: Utilities and Automakers Square Off on Alternative Fuel Vehicles. Business and Society Review. 88:6-8 Tucker, M. 1995. The Shocking State of Electric Car Technology. Business and Society Review. 93:44-47

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